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Because We Found You
Welcome To Personalised AI Video Outreach
Combined with Human Curated Icebreakers
To Book You Meetings
That Convert into New Customers
At Scale
Start Your Quest
Winning New Clients is a Quest: we're here to help with that
Quest is a B2B sales agency that helps businesses generate high-quality leads and convert them into paying customers.

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Identifying Prospective Clients
Finding the Right Fit
We focus on identifying companies that are a good match for your products and services. We analyze their needs and potential to ensure they are the right fit for your business.
Leveraging Data
We use a variety of data sources to identify potential clients, including industry reports, online databases, and social media platforms.
Building a Targeted List
We work with you to develop a targeted list of prospective clients based on your ideal customer profile.
The Power of Product Qualified Leads (PQLs)
Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) are potential customers who have demonstrated strong interest and engagement with your product.
They have actively explored your product's features and value proposition, making them highly qualified leads for conversion.
Identifying PQLs is a crucial step in modern B2B sales as it helps focus resources on the most promising prospects, driving higher conversion rates and improved sales efficiency.
Personalised AI Video Outreach
Engaging Content
Capture attention with compelling and personalised video messages. Leverage AI to create targeted videos that resonate with your audience.
Automated Personalisation
Utilise AI to create unique video messages tailored to each prospect's specific interests and needs. Deliver a highly targeted and personal experience.
Scalable Outreach
Reach a large volume of potential customers with personalised video messages, automating outreach for greater efficiency and impact.
Scaling Personalised Outreach
One-to-one video outreach is powerful, but it's inefficient to manually create and send hundreds of videos. Quest's AI-powered platform streamlines this process, enabling scalable personalised video outreach.






Automate video creation
Use AI to generate personalised videos from templates.


Manage video library
Organise and store video assets for easy access.


Schedule outreach campaigns
Set up and manage video delivery to specific audiences.


Track campaign performance
Monitor engagement and measure results.
This scalable approach allows Quest to deliver thousands of personalised video messages, driving significant cost savings and achieving higher ROI.
Driving Highly Converting Meetings


1. Personalized Approach
Tailor the conversation to the prospect's needs and interests. Leverage data from the video outreach to understand their pain points and goals.


2. Timely Scheduling
Facilitate seamless meeting scheduling with flexible options that accommodate the prospect's busy schedule.


3. Value-Driven Agenda
Outline a clear and compelling agenda that highlights the value proposition and benefits of working with Quest.


4. Engaging Discussion
Engage in a productive dialogue that builds rapport and fosters a collaborative relationship.
Our Proven Methodology
Step 1: Prospecting and Lead Identification
Our process begins with meticulous prospecting and identifying potential clients.
We leverage powerful tools to locate and qualify leads.
Step 2: Personalised Video Outreach
We craft compelling video messages tailored to each lead.
Our AI-powered platform automates video creation and distribution at scale.
Step 3: Booking Meetings
Our videos nurture leads and encourage engagement.
We facilitate seamless scheduling to convert leads into meetings.
Step 1: Prospecting and Lead Identification
Identifying Potential Clients
We carefully select companies that are most likely to benefit from our solutions.
Leveraging PQL Data
We utilize product usage data to identify companies that demonstrate strong product engagement.
Analysing User Behaviour
We analyze user behaviour to identify companies with a high likelihood of needing our services.
Predictive Lead Scoring
We employ advanced algorithms to assign scores to leads based on their potential value.
Leveraging PQL Data
PQL data is crucial for targeting the right audience. By understanding how potential customers interact with your product, you can identify those most likely to convert.
These insights enable you to target your outreach efforts effectively, leading to a higher conversion rate.
Analysing User Behaviour
We delve into user data to understand their online interactions and buying patterns. Our analysis helps us identify their pain points, interests, and desired outcomes.
This data is key to crafting targeted video messages that resonate with each individual prospect.
Predictive Lead Scoring
Predictive lead scoring uses algorithms to assess the likelihood of a prospect becoming a paying customer. This method quantifies data points, such as website visits and content downloads, to assign a score to each prospect.
Step 2: Personalised Video Outreach





Crafting Compelling Video Messages


Automating Video Outreach at Scale


Optimising for Engagement
Every video message is tailored to each prospect's unique needs and interests. We leverage AI to automate the creation and delivery of these personalised videos at scale.
We ensure that each video grabs attention, maintaining engagement through targeted content and compelling visuals.
Crafting Compelling Video Messages
Engaging Visuals
High-quality video production is essential for grabbing attention. Use clear audio, professional lighting, and engaging visuals.
Personalized Content
Tailor video messages to specific individuals and their pain points. Use their name, company, and industry to personalize the message.
Call to Action
Encourage viewers to take the next step, whether it's booking a meeting, visiting a website, or downloading a resource.
Creative Storytelling
Use engaging storytelling techniques to convey your message. Humanize your brand and showcase your value proposition.
Automating Video Outreach at Scale


Personalisation Engine
Our platform leverages AI to create unique video messages tailored to each prospect's specific needs and interests.


Automated Delivery
Schedule and send personalised videos at scale, ensuring efficient and timely outreach to your target audience.


Performance Tracking
Monitor campaign performance with real-time analytics to measure engagement, conversion rates, and identify areas for optimisation.
Optimising for Engagement
Captivating Visuals
Engaging visuals draw viewers in and keep them watching. Use high-quality video and audio, and make sure the content is relevant and interesting.
Data-Driven Insights
Monitor key metrics like view rate, completion rate, and click-through rate to understand what's working and what needs improvement.
Targeted Calls to Action
Encourage viewers to take the next step by including clear calls to action, such as scheduling a meeting or requesting a demo.
Step 3: Booking Meetings


Nurturing Leads with Video
Personalized video messages further engage prospects. They provide valuable information and build trust.


Facilitating Seamless Scheduling
Integrate with calendars to allow prospects to easily schedule meetings at their convenience.


Monitoring Campaign Performance
Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and meeting bookings to measure campaign success.
Nurturing Leads with Video
Engaging Content
Videos are more engaging than static content. They allow you to showcase your product or service in action.
Building Relationships
Personalisation with video helps build trust and rapport with potential customers.
Facilitating Scheduling
Video can be used to encourage leads to book meetings and demos.
Facilitating Seamless Scheduling
We make it effortless to book meetings with your prospects.





Direct Integration
Integrate with your preferred CRM and scheduling tools.


Automated Scheduling
Prospects can book meetings directly from their video messages.


Calendar Sync
Ensure seamless syncing between your calendars and CRM.
Monitoring Campaign Performance
We carefully track key metrics to ensure your campaigns are hitting their targets. These metrics include video engagement, click-through rates, and meeting booking conversions.
This data empowers us to make data-driven optimizations and refine your strategy for maximum impact.
Continuous Optimisation
Performance Tracking
Regularly monitor campaign performance to identify areas for improvement.
Data Analysis
Analyse data to understand what works and what doesn’t.
Iteration and Refinement
Make adjustments to video content, targeting, and messaging based on insights.
A/B Testing
Run A/B tests to compare different versions of your video content.
Process Improvement
Continuously refine your processes to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Accelerated Sales Cycles
Faster Time to Close
Achieve faster sales cycles by reducing the time it takes to qualify leads, engage prospects, and secure deals.
Increased Efficiency
Streamline your sales process with automation and targeted outreach, freeing up your team to focus on high-value activities.
Improved Productivity
Boost your sales team's productivity by providing them with qualified leads and a streamlined process for engaging with potential customers.
Increased Conversion Rates


1. Targeted Outreach
By focusing on Product Qualified Leads (PQLs), our personalized video outreach increases the likelihood of converting prospects into paying customers.


2. Engagement & Trust
Personalised videos create a more engaging and authentic experience, building trust and rapport with prospects.


3. Effective Communication
Video messaging allows for more effective communication of value propositions, addressing specific needs and concerns.


4. Data-Driven Optimization
We continuously monitor campaign performance and optimize video content and messaging to maximise conversion rates.
Improved ROI
Reduced Costs
By automating outreach and streamlining the sales process, we help you reduce operational expenses and free up valuable time for your sales team.
Increased Revenue
Higher conversion rates and a larger pipeline of qualified leads translate directly into increased revenue for your business.
Flexible Engagement Models
Tailored Solutions
We offer a range of flexible engagement models to fit your specific needs and budget.
Collaborative Approach
Our team works closely with you to ensure a seamless and successful partnership.
Why Choose Quest?
Quest delivers a comprehensive solution for B2B sales.
Our unique blend of expertise and technology generates qualified leads, fosters engagement, and drives high-converting meetings.
Industry-Leading Expertise


1. Deep Understanding of B2B Sales
Quest has extensive experience in understanding the nuances of B2B sales, particularly in the technology sector.


2. Expertise in PQL Identification
Quest has a proven track record of identifying Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) across various industries.


3. Mastery of AI Video Outreach
Quest's team is proficient in leveraging AI-powered video outreach to create compelling and personalized messages.


4. Data-Driven Approach
Quest uses a data-driven approach to analyze user behavior and predict lead conversion rates, optimizing campaigns for maximum impact.
Commitment to Client Success
Dedicated Account Manager
A dedicated account manager will be assigned to your project to provide expert guidance and support.
Transparent Reporting
We provide detailed reports on our progress and performance, ensuring you're always informed.
Continuous Optimisation
We continuously monitor and adapt our strategies to ensure maximum results and a positive ROI.
Get in Touch
Ready to transform your B2B sales? We'd love to hear from you. Let's schedule a consultation to discuss your unique needs and explore how Quest can help you achieve your goals.